And I didn't. Well, at least not yet...
Instead, The Builder and I got up bright and early 8:45am and after a quick stop at Starbucks, headed to Home Depot. The goal was to get the ceiling paint and the lumber for the projects he was going to make to complete the bathroom this weekend. And we did get the paint (which is going up as I type) but we sort of got...sidetracked. That's very easy for me us to do at Home Depot.
You see, this is the sad, sad state of my yard:
Friday night, while stopping at the mall to pick up something, we ran in to Sears to see if they had any edgers on sale. The Builder found one at a price he felt was acceptable, so we bought it. Those photo's you see are actually better than it was because he couldn't wait to try it out Friday night, lol. Still, everything looks shaggy and unkempt to me. The weeds growing under the palm trees make it almost appear that there isn't another planter box in the middle of the yard. My neighbors both have neatly trimmed yards, which I think makes my yard look even worse. I don't want to be that neighbor.
So this morning, in addition to the much needed ceiling paint, we picked up some weed and feed fertilizer, two rose bushes, a package of calla lilly bulbs, and some weed killer (to keep the weeds from growing in the middle of the side walk). Here's The Builder fitting the landscaping cloth down and the first couple of bags of mulch:
Thankfully, we did already have the mulch, so our trip was a smidgen more cost effective than it could have been. We bought 10 bags in preparation for this project. And apparently we still need a few more. Oops.
And this is after we're mostly done!!
A successful Saturday project!
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