The egg saga continues...
So coats one and two of the spray paint worked great. But when I went back the following day to do some touch up where the color was bleeding through, my paint started crackling! Like instantly.
The Builder asked if I shook the can well enough as this is apparently what can happen. Umh, YES! I do know a thing or two about spray paint.
I have to say, I was pretty upset at first. I mean look at that crackled mess! And all the eggs I touched up are like this, but I didn't need to touch up all of them (does that make sense?!) so there's not necessarily a uniformity to them
But you know....real eggs are actually all that smooth. They actually have a subtle texture to them. And while this is far from subtle, I think with a little speckling, these may actually just do the trick...
More to come...
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