The front door is done. It looks fantastic. But I don't have a good photo! It's been crazy around here and keep forgetting to grab a photo of it. My neighbors have commented that they love it, so that's got to be a good sign. Photo's soon for the door.
Today we're talking about the tub again! It's been awhile, but actually, The Builder we've done a lot of work. Last I posted, it looked something like this:
The tile looked good. But there was no grout. Nothing was painted. The ugly medicine cabinet is still in the wall. There's no tub skirt or molding and none of the drywall repairs had been done. Basically, it's about as unfinished as it could possibly be.
See that list above? It's all been completed!
So no, we didn't do it all this weekend. We've been working on it for a few weeks. Oops. Let's get caught up, shall we?
Total cost? Right at $50. We had considered a 'pencil' carrera marble trim that would have been $9 for 10 inches. Significantly more in cost. And if I had really like it, I would have spent it. But I didn't. It was all wrong for our bathroom. I didn't even bother to bring home a sample. The Builder didn't like it any better than I did, so there was no point. We looked at a LOT of tile to trim it out, but nothing seemed right. So I'm very happy we discovered an affordable option that we think is perfect.
Nothing is painted yet. In fact, you can see the rounded edge of the window sill The Builder installed. We bought the trim pre-primered and this photo shows the nail holes filled. We didn't want to paint until it was all ready to be painted, and we still had the tub skirt to finish - which you can't see in this photo.
So this weekend, we worked on framing out the tub, the window, and the medicine cabinet. I thought it wouldn't take long. I was wrong. It took most of Saturday to get it all installed, and even then, we're waiting for the construction adhesive to set.
You may notice the walls have been painted as well. The walls have all been correctly textured and look so much better!! I can't wait to put artwork up on the wall. But that's still a ways off. Did I mention I love this trim?!
And last but not least, the tub skirt has been filled, primered, and trim added as well:
I'd love to get a shot of the entire tub, but the old vanity is still in the way. And since we haven't build a new vanity yet, it's going to stay there a bit longer. Again, this is just filled and primered. We still need to caulk the edge and then paint it all out. Still, it's really nice to see it not sitting in the wood frame.
Tomorrow I'll post the updates to what was the medicine cabinet!
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