We all have THAT room. That room in our house that we close the door on and pretend it doesn't exist. I think for many people, it's the garage. And my garage is pretty bad too. But the room that was the worst in our house is our screened in sun room.
Here it is when we first moved in:
Literally, this is a photo of the first time I ever viewed the house and was taking photo's to show The Builder, who couldn't go with me that day.
We've never really made good use of this space though. Over the years, we've used it to keep the dogs out of rain, work on projects out of the elements, and we did briefly clean it out last year when we had our daughters' graduation party. Otherwise, this space has been completely wasted.
Until this year.
This winter, my dogs completely trashed this space. The ledge around the windows got chewed off, all the screens got ripped out, and it was dirty! And I've had enough. I love to sit outside and enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the early morning hours, have dinner on the patio. and eat dinner mosquito free. As an added bonus, my oldest son will be a senior this fall, and if we re-do this space now, it's one less thing we need to prep for next spring (when all our family will come out to celebrate with us).
So the past couple of weeks, we've been pushing to get it ready for summer before The Builder has his shoulder repaired and is out for the rest of the summer.
I know I say this a lot on my blog, but seriously, have you priced patio furniture lately?! Even sets at the Orange and Blue box stores are stupid expensive. Maybe if I won the lottery, I'd consider it... Who am I kidding? I'm way too cheap to spend that type of money on patio furniture. And that's not a bad thing.
So my inspiration started with some dishes I found at Pottery Barn. My work does these wellness incentives, where you can earn gift cards for good health habits. At Christmas time, I used my credits to get a Lowe's gift card to get The Builder a new table saw. This time, I got a gift card to Pottery Barn. Because I would never, in a million years, spend that much on outdoor dining plates. But my final cost was $8 out of pocket. And that is doable! So here's my inspiration board:
I started with the plates, which I really loved. I got the plates with coral and with the crabs, coral and sea horses. No fish for me! I looked at the tables for inspiration, and I found several that were OK, but none that I really loved. Thankfully, I was able to go back to my Pinterest board and find some great DIY options on my building board.
I'm super excited to get this all executed and in place!
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